Floral Bootcamp -June 4 | Expo June 5-6, 2025 • Broward County Convention Center • Fort Lauderdale, FL

Welcome to Floriexpo.

— North America's Largest B2B Floral Show —

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What are you looking to get out of exhibiting at IFE?

We’d love to build relationships and find opportunities to partner with mass market floral departments and make
their events and weekly sales plans incredibly profitable. We’d love to help floral departments enhance their
processes and provide a streamlined approach with professional proposals and an easier, digital way to reduce
costs. This is our first time as an Exhibitor at IFE, and we’re excited to connect with everyone!

What do you find to be your biggest challenge for 2018/2019?

Our biggest challenge is building an incredible team. We’re seeing explosive growth and we hear stories of
individual stores becoming tens of thousands of dollars more profitable through COGS controls that previously
were unrealistic to expect. We invest heavily into our personnel so finding talent quick enough is a large part.

What part of the floral industry motivates you?

It’s definitely creating something that balances helping data-driven company leaders hit their numbers but also
something that creatives enjoy using. The floral industry consists of innovative, creative people who want to
make a difference in the lives of others. The biggest compliment we’ve received from our clients is that our
software works exactly how they think as a creative. These ease of the software gives the creative more time to
create but also makes the accounting, procurement, and senior management much happier that they
automatically have incredibly granular data.

How do you stay fresh and relevant within the industry?

In order to stay effective for our multi-store companies, we know we have to have an incredibly high adoption
rate by the sales team members actually managing the event. So we have to build in a way that attracts them.
One of the biggest drawbacks of us as a company is also one of our greatest strengths. We listen so intently to
our customers that we refuse to build features until customers are actually asking for it. This has put us light
years ahead of any competition. While they’re building out their dream, we’re building our customers’ dreams.
Through this process, we’ve found features that have saved some store managers 8 hours a week. One

What type of new products will you be showcasing at IFE this year?

We’re excited to attend under our new name, Curate. Curate was founded as “Stemcounter” because, our
founder, a florist’s husband knew there had to be an easier way for his wife to manage their floral studio.
As we continue to grow and introduce more enterprise tools, “Curate” encapsulates how we help florists. Our
customers are curators who touch millions of items from proposal to strike and appreciate that Curate has
evolved into a time saving and profit driving tool for them. With the transition to Curate, we have been able to
create a more appropriate scaling model to help our corporate clients but still assist our small buyers.

What do you predict to be the biggest changes in the industry over the next 3-5 years?

We just wrote a blog post about this. We used to think that technology would replace jobs. What we’re seeing
now is that companies are able to use technology to allow their current workforce to do things more profitably
and more effectively. Users of ours are still investing time into floral event proposals, but now they’re focusing
on making the proposals gorgeous and competitive instead of just trying to get the numbers to match up. On a
larger scale, we’re seeing companies able to look at granular data that has never before been accessible to
them and make actionable and profitable data-driven decisions.

Visit Curate, booth #5440 at IFE this June!

Do You Want To Boost Your Business?

Exhibit at Floriexpo!