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Columbus, Ohio. Prince & Prince, Inc. (P&P), a leader in market research focused on the floral and green plant industries, has released a projection for the retail value of U.S. consumer floral purchasing for the upcoming 2016 Valentine’s Day holiday (Valentine’s Day is Sunday, February 14th). The P&P U.S. consumer floral aggregate spending projection is $3.3 billion dollars at retail, including all fresh floral products (fresh cut flowers and/or indoor potted plants) and any associated delivery/handling services.

Valentine’s Day is the second largest “floral holiday” for the U.S. floral industry, in terms of consumer dollar spending, second to Mother’s Day (P&P’s 2015 Mother’s Day floral projection was $3.9 Billion; Prince & Prince, 2015). P&P project that for 2016, slightly more than 44 million households in the U.S. will purchase fresh cut flowers (largely roses) and/or potted flowering plants to express emotions for a loved one, significant other, or special person in or out of the household. P&P also project that each purchasing household, on average, will spend about $74, including all household members making a floral purchase, and with associated delivery/ service fees included.

Prince & Prince has been tracking U.S. consumer floral purchasing behavior for Valentine’s Day (and for 20+ other holidays, events, and occasions) over the past two decades with their periodic surveys of floral-buying households that are randomly selected throughout the U.S.

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